Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Week 7, Term 3

This week I learned about the importance of taking a break. I have a Hindi Speech Competition coming up on the 12th of September so I am pretty excited for that. It is also a time of concentration and with only three weeks left to go, an important period for finishing any assessments. I am trying to do one or two things at a time so that I don't stress myself out. It also ensures that I am still enjoying the subject and learning along the way. My weakness is that I can spend hours on a certain subject. So by doing one/two things at a time I minimize the chances of losing attention and that increases productivity. 


  1. Time management is certainly an important skill to learn Bhavesh. As your life becomes more and more pressured, prioritising your tasks will become increasingly important. When you can do this successfully, it will take a lot of stress out of your life!

  2. well done bhavesh, i am really proud of you, you have made your family and all of us at papakura high school really happy. i hope the things you're dealing with turn out to be a high for you. Hope you enjoy the rest of high school.
