Monday, September 3, 2018

Week 6, Term 3

The tensions grows as we near the finish line, we all are running a great race of which, each track spans across various subjects. I've got a speech to learn, a geography assessment to finish, a biology assessment to finish and many more. As I gasp for air in these stressful times, It is a constant reminder that as much as we all wanna breath, we want to succeed just as much. And maybe some of us will fail but that is not an excuse to stop being your best and working yourself up to the top. As the term nears a closing, remember that life will beat you down and you can get hit and fall. But learn from your mistakes and you will be unstoppable.   

1 comment:

  1. Great determination showing there Bhavesh. Sometimes when we are under real pressure (like you are at the moment) its good to step back and assess how things are working out and sort priorities. It seems like your list of tasks is very big at the m oment - but one day at a time.
